Investing in our future

Here in Kingdom Connection Children’s Ministry our mission is to establish an environment ripe for encountering Father God and to train up children that are rooted and grounded in Christ’s love. We strive to present the gospel in exciting ways to develop true disciples of Christ, a “Daniel Generation”. It is our desire that every child will be encouraged, loved, equipped and changed for the glory of God and for the advancement of His Kingdom. Whether that be through laying a solid foundation in the Word of God or by sparking a spiritual fire through worship and prayer, we are determined to see our children grow in their personal relationships with Christ. We love to have fun learning together!

Who's Involved?

Every Sunday morning and Wednesday night we provide a safe environment for children from birth through sixth grade where they learn about Jesus and connect with each other.

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry, and it’s an honor to serve with each and every one of them as they love on children each week! Every volunteer who leads in our Children's Ministry has had a background check and is committed to making the ministry a safe, Biblically relevant, and fun environment for your children.

"Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court." 

Psalms 127:3-5

How should I prepare my Child?

Each service your child will need to be checked into our Children's Ministry. After praise, the children will be released to their age-specific classroom. A volunteer will check-in your child on the Kidddo app. The app stores  information regarding the children's ages and specific allergies. When you return at the end of service you will check-out your child with the teacher.

Thank you so much for helping us as we strive to make our Children's Ministry a safe environment for your children to learn about God.

Kingdom COnnection Children's Ministry Lessons

The unit we are currently teaching the children is called “Who God Made You To Be”. The world delivers some pretty strong messages about who we should be, what we should do, and how we should act. But God made us to be very different from what the world says: We are his precious children, dearly loved, and called to love and serve Him.


Unit Verse: For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Below there is a PDF containing the full lesson plan we will be using to teach your kids each week of this month. Parents, you can use this to teach your children if you miss a Sunday or use it to review with your children throughout each week. 

  • Skip Ad

    The world says to do what makes you happy and try to skip over anything that might be unpleasant. But God says that sometimes we have to face difficult things. That is why it is so important to spend the time to build our faith foundation in Christ. If we only do things that are fun and easy when life is easy, then when hard times come we won’t have prepared a strong foundation of faith to cling to.

    Scripture: Luke 6:46-49, Wise and Foolish Builders

    Kids will learn that God made me to seek him at all times.


  • Autoplay

    The world tells us that we are #1 and we can take care of others after we get what we want. But God says that we shouldn’t even think twice when we have the chance to love other people – it should be automatic.

    Scripture: Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan

    Kids will learn that God made me to love other people.


  • Going Viral

    The world tells us that you are a star and no one is more important than you. But God tells us that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. He deserves our praise and worship. We should let others know how great He is. . . Jesus should be going viral.

    Scripture: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals 10 Men

    Kids will learn that God made me to praise him.


  • Trending

    What’s “trending” in your life? The world can sometimes make you feel like you’re not loved and accepted. But God tells us that we are dearly loved by him. No matter how much we have messed up, we can come to him; he will come running to us like a loving father.

    Scripture: Luke 15:11-32, The Parable of the Lost Son

    Objective: Kids will learn that God made me to be loved by him.


Interested in Serving?

We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Children's Ministry. Pick up an application from our Children's Team and help make our church a great place for children and their families to be!